Baillie General FDM Asia eNewseltter

About Us

Baillie Lumber is one of North America's largest hardwood lumber manufacturers, distributors and exporters. We are a provider of hardwood logs, hardwood lumber and proprietary grade hardwood lumber products. Founded in 1923 by James A. Baillie, we have grown from a regional supplier of domestic hardwoods to an international hardwood manufacturer that can ship hardwood lumber to any region of the world.

Baillie's hardwood manufacturing facilities are spread north to south in the eastern United States. Our partner mills and suppliers in the U.S. and internationally supplement our own hardwood manufacturing capabilities and give us a breadth of specie availability unmatched by other hardwood manufacturers.

With a Sales staff strategically located throughout the U.S. and internationally, Baillie is well positioned as a leading hardwood lumber supplier. We can be your single source for the world's hardwoods!

Hardwood Lumber Supplier of Most North American Species




Black Walnut


Hard Maple


Red Alder

Red Elm

Red Oak


Soft Maple

Yellow Birch

Yellow Poplar

White Ash

White Oak